Survey Research & Data Analytics Minor

The Survey Research and Data Analytics minor is intended for students who wish to complement their primary area of study with an interdisciplinary focus on using data and survey methods for conducting research and evaluating programs, policies, and outcomes in the social sciences.

The minor is comprised of six courses -- all of which must be graded. Students must satisfy at least one requirement in each core competency listed below. The final three elective courses are intended to provide students an opportunity to engage with a particular interest area. 

*** The three-digit course codes used prior to the Fall 2022 semester are italicized in parentheses as available. ***

Core Competency 1: American Politics 

Students must demonstrate basic understanding of the study of American Politics; topics include, but are not limited to, policymaking, institutions and/or governance  

  • PSCI 0200 (PSCI 130): Introduction to American Politics or
  • PSCI 1201 (PSCI 230): Public Opinion and American Democracy or
  • PSCI 1200/PPE 3002 (PSCI 236/PPE 312): Public Policy Process

Core Competency 2: Statistics 

Students must demonstrate competency in statistics and data analytics

  • PSCI 1800 (PSCI 107): Intro to Data Science or
  • PSCI 1801 (PSCI 338): Statistical Methods PSCI or
  • ECON 2300 (ECON 103): Statistics for Economists or
  • STAT 1010 & STAT 1020 (STAT 101 & STAT 102): Intro to Business Stat (both classes must be taken in order to satisfy core competency 2) or
  • STAT 1110 & STAT 1120 (STAT 111 & STAT 112): Introductory Statistics (both classes must be taken in order to satisfy core competency 2) or
  • STAT 4300 (STAT 430): Probability

Core Competency 3: Survey Research

Students must demonstrate basic knowledge of survey research methods including questionnaire design, mode effects, sampling procedures, and data analysis

  • PSCI 3800 (PSCI 207): Applied Data Science * or
  • PSCI 3801 (PSCI 333): Political Polling * or
  • PSCI 3802 (PSCI 332): Survey Research and Design *

Indicates that the course requires a prerequisite of PSCI 1800 (PSCI 107): Intro to Data Science or equivalent.


The last three elective courses may be chosen from a pre-approved list, including but not limited to the courses outlined below. Additionally, any course listed above in core competency 1 (American Politics) or 3 (Survey Research and Design) that was not taken to satisfy the mandatory core requirements may also count as an elective. Students can find an updated list of rostered SRDA electives on our Current Course Offerings page each semester.

  • PSCI 1290/LALS 1290 (PSCI 231/AFRC 232): Race and Ethnic Politics
  • COMM 2260 (COMM 226): Intro to Political Communication 
  • PSCI 1202 (PSCI 234): Changing American Electorate
  • PSCI 239: Elections in the U.S.
  • PSCI 1204 (PSCI 240): Religion and U.S. Public Policy 
  • PSCI 2201 (PSCI 241): Polarization
  • PSCI 1207/URBS 3200/GAFL 5090 (PSCI 320/URBS 320/GAFL 509): Who Gets Elected and Why  
  • PSCI 374/COMM 374: Communication and Congress 
  • COMM 4040 (PSCI 404/COMM 404): Media and Politics
  • PSCI 4200 (PSCI 436): Political Psychology
  • ECON 4420 (ECON 032/ECON 232): Political Economy
  • COMM 4310 (COMM 431): Is Public Opinion the Voice of the People?
  • COMM 4410 (COMM 441): The Impact of the Internet, Social Media, and Information Technology on Democracy

Students must send a course syllabus and brief course description to SRDA advisor Katie Steele if they wish to petition a course that is not on the pre-approved electives list. Students must receive a grade of C- or above for all of the courses counting toward the minor. No more than 3 courses can cross-count between the SRDA minor and any individual major or other minor that a student is pursuing. 

Students interested in declaring should email Katie Steele at to arrange an advising appointment.